Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hawthorn for the heart

A new study indicates that the popular herb hawthorn may have measurable benefits for heart disease patients (complete study here: warning medical-ese ahead!). Hawthorn is called shan zha in chinese. It's indicated for 'food stagnation', conditions where improperly or incompletely digested food hangs around and causes trouble. Shan zha is specifically recommended for meats and fats. In modern times this has translated into its use for atherosclerosis: fatty plaque deposits in the arteries impeding blood flow. Shan zha also promotes blood flow, another indicator of its modern use as a heart health herb.

Shan zha is a component of various formulas a chinese herbalist might prescribe, but it is also considered a 'food herb' - safe to take for long periods. A delicious tea can be made by steeping the dried berries in hot water. You may wish to sweeten the brew with a little honey, as the berries can be tart. Enjoy February, 'heart health month' with a warm red glass of hawthorn berry tea!

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