Friday, February 16, 2007

Hi-tech for health

In Chinese Medicine, we pay attention to ancient wisdom for health and healing - herbs, principles, and methods whose origins stretch back thousands of years. But in the modern world, we can bring together the advantages of technology with our desire for a wholistic life.

Lately I have really gotten into Podcasts. You don't have to have an iPod to enjoy them - I often listen to them sitting at my computer. If you have never used podcasts, download the iTunes program from Once you've done that, visit the podcasts section of the iTunes store. You'll see a variety of categories, including Health, where my faves are located.

Here are some of my favourite podcasts. Search for them by name!

Reasonable Diet's 6 Minutes of Sanity
Health and nutrition coach Sandra Ahten offers down to earth and practical strategies for making healthy changes in your relationship with food.

Qigong Meditation Podcast
Calvin Fahey provides easy to follow Traditional Chinese meditation sessions in his soothing voice.

Music to exercise by! A new mix every week of energizing music.

A lovely meditation with music from spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. A great way to take a heart refreshing pause in the middle of the day.

l'khaim! To life!


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